Tuesday, 26 April 2011


Spent most of the day in and around Stonehaven, sketching, painting, taking photographs and watching the world go by.  Very pleasant in the spring sunshine.  Cooler when the sun disappeared behind a cloud.  Ended up taking lots of photos of this wrought iron seat on the clifftop just south of the town.  I also drew it a couple of times to practise my perspective - trickier than it first appears! 

In amongst this pursuit of artistic activity, trying to book flights and accommodation in Northern Ireland for the middle of next week...

Monday, 25 April 2011


shed window in Stonehaven

I have discovered the delights of Blurb and have been busy making books today.  One with lots and lots of photos of our beloved basset hound who passed away at the end of March.  A celebration of her long and happy life.  And the other, a little book of haiku, probably just spring haiku, along with associated photographs.  This is all very enjoyable "work" but I am finding that it consumes rather a large amount of time.  It will be important, I think, to recognise when a book is finished, then to stop, publish, put it up for sale and move on to the next project.

Speaking of next projects, the launch of Pushing out The Boat is this Sunday in Stonehaven.  I will have to practise reading my story out loud so that I do not stumble over my words.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

getting going

Spring is in the air and I feel the need to be doing things.  I have registered to take part in NEOS (North East Open Studios) this year - 10th - 18th September, in and around Aberdeen, and am now wondering whether I am mad or stupid, or possibly both?  Some days I believe that my paintings and photos are quite good, some are even rather good, but on other days I think that people will look at them and wonder what I am playing at, putting them on public display!  Oh well, it's that old self-doubt creeping in again and I say Pah!  Go away!  And do not darken the door of my lovely little shed ever again.  That works for a while.  In the meantime, here are some photos from our glorious week's break in the beautiful Andalucian sunshine...